Head to the heart of the Latrobe Valley and discover Victoria's energy centre at Morwell, situated 150 kilometres east of Melbourne on the lands of the Gunaikurnai People. Visit renowned regional art galleries and cultural centres, walk through the famous rose garden and explore the surrounding natural attractions.
Rose gardens
Take a stroll around Morwell's beautiful Centenary Rose Garden that forms the western entrance to the town's business district. Proudly showcasing over 4000 bushes, including more than 260 varieties in 110 beds, the Rose Garden is one of the finest in the southern hemisphere and is now listed in the World Federation of Rose Societies. The garden stretches across four acres and is cared for by volunteers from all areas of the Latrobe Valley and beyond.
Art and culture
Morwell is home to one of Gippsland's major cultural facilities, the Latrobe Regional Gallery. Established in 1970, the gallery's permanent collection is mostly made up of contemporary Australian Art, especially works produced after the 1970s. Stroll the gallery and see works referencing the region by Jessie Traill, Noel Counihan and Jan Senbergs, check out the touring exhibitions, and get involved in the gallery's special events.