
Stephen Baker

Stephen Baker, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Photo: Nicole Reed
Stephen Baker. Photo: Nicole Reed

Eagle-eyed Melbourne visitors can spot Stephen Baker's work in places like Melbourne Central and near the Fitzroy Pool. Now the artist has created a brilliant new work inspired by the city, An Evening with Friends.


Alluring figures

'The atmosphere in Melbourne is different during the cooler months,' says artist Stephen Baker, reflecting on the creation of his latest artwork, An Evening with Friends (pictured in our banner above).

'There’s more noise and warmth to the bars, and everyone’s huddled in together and glad to be out of the cold. The colours are also more vibrant at night, with the shops still open past sunset. Rainy nights create mirrored sidewalks reflecting the cars passing by. It’s such an enchanting time.'


Art aesthetic

Stephen’s style is unique. His bold forms and tonal palettes dominate his pieces, with their human figures created using shapes and lines. Although often painted onto canvas or wooden board, a couple of his best-known works sit on much larger surfaces.

Pool Parade, a mural on the wall outside the Fitzroy Pool, introduced him to a broad spectrum of the community, both personally – as he was painting the image, people would stop and talk to him – and artistically. Then there are other pieces at Greig Street in Seddon, outside Brunswick Baths and at Camberwell Markets.

"Rainy nights create mirrored sidewalks reflecting the cars passing by. It’s such an enchanting time."

Detail of Stephen Baker's mural at Brunswick Baths, Melbourne

Melbourne captured

An Evening with Friends was inspired by trips into the city and visits to bars and shops.

'I didn’t want to pinpoint an exact location,' says Stephen. 'Instead, I tried to capture the essence of what one might find when venturing into a small, cosy Melbourne establishment.

'The scene is centred on three characters who have decided to celebrate the company of each other over a glass of sparkling.

'Within the artwork are a few hints to various activities Melbourne has to offer this season. For instance, the blue moon represents the RISING festival and the soccer ball symbolises the FIFA Women’s World Cup, both happening this winter.'

Discover more of Stephen's striking artworks at

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