
Set against the striking backdrop of the Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park, Pomonal is a village on the eastern slopes of the Mount William Range.  While you're there, be sure to wander the nearby rolling vineyards and taste Pomonal's world-class wine and mouthwatering food at hot spots like Pomonal Estate.

Take the short drive out of Pomonal to Halls Gap. Here, you can embark on a hiking or mountain biking adventure, or visit Halls Gap Zoo. Pack a picnic for lunch and see native wildlife including wombats, emus, dingoes and possums in the zoo's native bushland setting.

Farm fresh

Stop by farm gates to fill up the boot with local produce. Stock up on handmade preserves and relishes from Five Ducks Farm, which can be purchased from Pomonal Estate and the Grampians store in Pomonal. Or, head to Grampians Grove in nearby Moyston for deliciously fresh almonds, hazelnuts and other gourmet nut products.


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