

Adult fare prices apply to 13 years old and up.


Child fare prices apply to zero to 12 years old. Please advise if a child seat is required


Penguin Parade general viewing entry; admission into Koala Conservation Reserve; world-class wildlife encounter up close; hosted by an experienced driver guide; modern air-conditioned coach travel; comprehensive local tour commentary; and selected Melbourne inner-city pick-up/drop-off points.

Days of operation:

  • Departure details: 06/10/24 - 05/04/25

    Daily: 01:45pm - 11:45pm

  • Departure details: 06/04/25 - 04/10/25

    Daily: 11:45am - 09:45pm

  • Departure details: 05/10/25 - 06/04/26

    Daily: 01:45pm - 11:45pm

Tour highlights:

Map pins are available via the tab key in a list after the map.

You can pan the map with the keyboard arrows.

400 Flinders Street, Immigration Museum (corner Flinders & Market St), Melbourne, Victoria, 3000