Native plants have long been a source of food and medicine for Victoria's Aboriginal people. Join Aboriginal guides from around Victoria for tours of gardens and reserves to learn about local plants and their uses.

Millari Garden, Bunjilaka, Melbourne

Meaning 'outdoors' in local Melbourne Boon Wurrung and Woi Wurrung language, the Millari Garden at Bunjilaka is an ideal spot to find out about Victoria's native plants and ingredients. Walk around the enclosure to learn about the Woolip, Gneering and Barn used to make spears, weapons and tools, and see the mountain pepper, white elderberry and kangaroo apple used for medicine and food. 

Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne

Join Aboriginal guides for a stroll through the Royal Botanic Gardens for insights into Aboriginal ecosystems, seasons, culture and survival. See diverse native flora, learn about the Aboriginal uses for different plants from around Australia, and top off your walk with a refreshing lemon myrtle tea.

Healesville Sanctuary, Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges

Share in cultural stories of the land with Wurundjeri Elder Murrundindi at Healesville Sanctuary. Murrindindi takes you on an Indigenous cultural experience that includes a Welcome to Country and provides insights into native plants and their uses. 

Worn Gundidj, Tower Hill Wildlife Reserve, Great Ocean Road

Explore the nature and landscapes of one of Australia's geological wonders, inactive volcanic crater Tower Hill, with local guides. In this part of Victoria, local trees and plants are sources of food, so be sure to ask your guide about the different plants' local uses. Keep an eye out for local wildlife too (keen advocates of the local flora).


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